Bibliografia Islam centroasiatico
Fonti principali
Reuven Amitai, “Towards a Pre-history of the Islamization of the Turks: A Re-reading of Ibn Faḍlān’s Riḥla”, in Islamisation de l’Asie centrale. Processus locaux d’acculturation du VIIe au XIe siècle, edito da Étienne de La Vaissière, Studia Iranica, Cahier 39, Parigi, 2008, pp. 277-296.
Azad Arezou, Hugh Kennedy. “The Coming of Islam to Balkh”, in Authority and Control in the Countryside: From Antiquity to Islam in the Mediterranean and Near East (6th-10th Century), edito da Alain Delattre et al., Brill, 2019, pp. 284–310.
Muḥammad ibn Baṭṭūṭa, I Viaggi, Einaudi, Torino, 2007. Vai alla scheda dell'editore...
Devin DeWeese, “Shamanization in Central Asia”, Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, Vol. 57, No. 3, 2014, pp. 326-363.
Aḥmad ibn Faḍlān, Un viaggiatore arabo nelle oscure terre del lontano Nord, Luni, Milano, 2017. Vai alla scheda dell'editore...
Peter B. Golden, An Introduction to the History of the Turkic Peoples: Ethnogenesis and State-Formation in Medieval and Early Modern Eurasia and the Middle East, Otto Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden, 1992.
Xinru Liu, “A Silk Road Legacy: The Spread of Buddhism and Islam”, Journal of World History, Vol. 22, No. 1, marzo 2011, pp. 55-81.
Jürgen Paul, “Islamizing Sufis in pre-Mongol Central Asia”, in Islamisation de l’Asie centrale. Processus locaux d’acculturation du VIIe au XIe siècle, edito da Étienne de La Vaissière, Studia Iranica, Cahier 39, Parigi, 2008, pp. 297-317.
Jean Paul Roux, La religione dei turchi e dei mongoli: gli archetipi del naturale negli ultimi sciamani, Genova : ECIG, 1990.
Thierry Zarcone, Angela Hobart, Shamanism and Islam: Sufism, Healing Rituals and Spirits in the Muslim World, Londra, I.B. Tauris, 2013.
Pierre Leriche et al., La Bactriane au carrefour des routes et des civilisations de l'Asie centrale, Maisonneuve et Larose, Parigi, 2001.