Newsletter #7 ReIReS

ReIRes - Research Infrastructure on Religious Studies è un'associazione composta da dodici istituzioni europee che collaborano alla realizzazione di un'infrastruttura altamente qualificata riguardante gli studi della religione.

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Three core elements constitute ReIReS identity:

Vision: Religion is the burning issue in Europe. Peaceful living together in a multireligious society is increasingly coming under pressure and we urgently need to deal with this. Knowledge of religious traditions helps us to reduce dangers and to create a mutual understanding in present day Europe.

Mission: ReIReS is a starting community of twelve European institutions that are building a unique and highly qualified infrastructure on religious studies. ReIReS brings knowledge into the field of religious pluralism in Europe, thus contributing to a stable society. It explains and implements the idea of “Knowledge Creates Understanding”.


  • Innovation: New data, new tools and a new generation of scholars.
  • Respect: Towards various religions, towards the past.
  • Enrichment: Research, digital access, international collaboration.
Data Creazione:
Mer, 27/03/2019 - 15:31