
La grande carestia irlandese


Per proseguire l'approfondimento si indirizza l'attenzione all'approfondimento sulla grande carestia che ha coinvolto l'Irlanda tra il 1845 e il 1849 pubblicato sul portale di Encyclopaedia Britannica


Great Famine, also called Irish Potato Famine, Great Irish Famine, or Famine of 1845–49, famine that occurred in Ireland in 1845–49 when the potato crop failed in successive years. The crop failures were caused by late blight, a disease that destroys both the leaves and the edible roots, or tubers, of the potato plant. The causative agent of late blight is the water mold Phytophthora infestans. The Irish famine was the worst to occur in Europe in the 19th century.


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